More Pervious Concrete Videos
Stormwater Runoff: The Pervious Concrete Solution
March 23, 2010—YouTube.com
Produced by the British Columbia Ready Mixed Concrete Association, this five-minute video illustrates the sustainable and economic benefits of pervious concrete in mitigating stormwater runoff.
See Green Building Technology in use at St Anne's Belfield Middle School, VA: Click on "Green Features"
A joint project between Allied Concrete and VRMCA.

Final UNH Pervious Concrete Video:
UNH Pervious Concrete: 1500 Gallons in 3.5 minutes
June 20, 2008—YouTube.com
This video demonstrates 1500 gallons of water
passing through pervious concrete in 3.5 minutes.
Progressive Concrete—Glendale Park & Ride
March 25, 2008—ABC News—YouTube.com
Arizona's first NRMCA Certified Pervious Concrete Technicians, Progressive Concrete Works, Inc., have placed and finished 140,000 square feet of 'green concrete' for the Glendale Park and Ride.
ASU Art Museum Pervious Parking Lot
June 11, 2007—NCE Smart Blog
This outstanding video, produced by Arizona State University student Jon Nicol, shows the placement of a pervious concrete parking lot in front of the ASU Art Museum in the Nelson Fine Arts Center on the Tempe campus.
(Click on the play button in the screen to start the video.)